Sunday, September 10, 2006

@Point Magu, Santa Monica mountains

This time the boys decided for something rough, the obvious option was to head for the nearest hills for some hiking. There could'nt have been a better option than santa monica mountains, which offers a breathtaking view of Pacific. It was about an hour's drive from our place.So off we took in gautam's pickup and here's another adventure in making......

Gautam's pickup

The first view that we got of Pacific

Entrance of the park

interesting part was from where we started the height was -120 feet below sea level

Self timer does'nt always work :)

Santa Monica mountains

Is'nt that breathtaking


Indian version of cobra-Gautam

saw this interesting message on a beach
it says
Love u Toshi RIP bro

Mountain cats are very dangerous- so ppl beware

return of jumping jacks

sun setting down

shadow warrior

while driving back saw this view

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